A special thanks to Bill Kimberley for providing art and animations for the game.
This game is my variation on 2048 and 3 games. This game has three type of games in itself you can play the 3, 2048 or Fibonacci
AndroidA special thanks to Bill Kimberley for providing art and animations for the game.
This is a puzzle game initially started as a Facebook game and later was redesigned into mobile game.
AndroidWeb game where match 3 meets strategy. This game has integrated achievement system.
Web - ArchivedAngry birds style web game. Using box2D engine for physics.
Web - ArchivedObstacle avoidance mini web game.
Web - ArchivedOne of my first games for Corus Entertainment. It was a web version of an iphone game they already had.
WebThis is a time management game. Serve your customers before they get too upset.
WebSticker book type of game, very similar to Max and Ruby - Bunny Make Believe